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The ART of Effective Communication



Passion Blog

Each student chose a topic of interest to them and had the opportunity to develop a greater wealth of knowledge on the subject. Fall semester, I had the idea to write all about cool psychological phenomena (I am a psychology major after all). Then the following semester, I changed my topic to dream analyzing, which ended up being a real labor of love! To wrap up my freshman year, I made my final two passion blogs revolving around the science behind dreaming

Civic Issues Blog

These blogs were meant to generate debate and discussion about issues regarding politics, education, the environment, gender/sexuality rights, and race. Groups of four to five students were assigned to each topic, mine being the environment category. Every other week I researched information about common misconceptions the public has about eco-friendly lifestyles and problems. I tried to discuss false beliefs about climate change, expose precautions about organic products, and clarify the differences between recycling, composting, and using biodegradable products. Overall, I learned a lot about the environment while writing these posts and hopefully so will you. 

 Rhetoric and Civic Life Blog

Blogging about the rhetoric we came across in everyday life was actually pretty interesting. Before coming to Penn State, I was not even sure what the true definition of rhetoric was but after learning the concepts and ideologies behind it, I can actively participate in and promote proper communication and debate. 

Blogging has become a great way to spread ideas and facilitate online communication, and it was a huge part of my English 137H and 138T classes.  We had three main categories to blog about each week,  just click on the pictures next to each of the blog descriptions to view the posts on my blog:

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